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Kander and Ebb - "Maybe This Time" - Cabaret
[English] 1 Tag, 1 Stunde by
Maybe this time I'll be lucky. Maybe this time he'll stay. Maybe this time, for the first time, love won't hurry away. He will hold me fast. I'll be home at last. Not a loser like the last time and the time before. Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me. Lady Peaceful, Lady Happy- that's what I long to be. All the odds are in my favor. Something's bound to begin. It's gonna happen, happen sometime. Maybe this time I'll win.
Maybe this time I'll be lucky. Maybe this time he'll stay. Maybe this time, for the first time, love won't hurry away. He will hold me fast. I'll be home at last. Not a loser anymore like the last time and the time before. Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me. Lady Peaceful, Lady Happy- that's what I long to be. All the odds are in my favor. Something's bound to begin. It's gonna happen, happen sometime. Maybe this time I'll win.
JRR Tolkien. - Poema de la profecía.
[Español (Spanish)] 1 Tag, 9 Stunden by
No es oro todo lo que reluce, ni toda la gente errante anda perdida. A las raíces profundas no llega la esacarcha, el viejo vigoroso no se marchita. De las cenizas subirá un fuego, una luz asomará en las sombras. El descoronado será rey de nuevo, forjarán otra vez la esapada rota.
No es oro todo lo que reluce, ni toda la gente errante anda perdida. A las raíces profundas no llega la escarcha, el viejo vigoroso no se marchita. De las cenizas subirá un fuego, una luz asomará en las sombras. El descoronado será rey de nuevo, forjarán otra vez la espada rota.
Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
➔ Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Care: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
[English] 2 Tage, 1 Stunde by
Here's something that's weird but true: we don't actually know what a positive or negative experience is. Some of the most difficult and stressful moments of our lives also end up being the most formative and motivating. Some of the best and most gratifying experiences of our lives are also the most distracting and demotivating. Don't trust your conception of positive or negative experiences. All that we know for certain is what hurts in the moment and what doesn't. And that's not worth much.
Here's something that's weird but true: we don't actually know what a positive or negative experience is. Some of the most difficult and stressful moments of our lives also end up being the most formative and motivating. Some of the best and most gratifying experiences of our lives are also the most distracting and demotivating. Don't trust your conception of positive or negative experiences. All that we know for certain is what hurts in the moment and what doesn't. And that's not worth much.
The Marias - No One Noticed
[English] 2 Tage, 12 Stunden by
Come on, don't leave me it can't be that easy, babe. If you believe me I guess I'll get on a plane, fly to your city excited to see your face Hold me, console me and then I'll leave without a trace.
Come on, don't leave me it can't be that easy, babe. If you believe me i guess i'll get on a plane, fly to your city excited to see your face hold me, console me and then i'll leave without a trace.
Aron Ralston - 127 heures
[Français (French)] 2 Tage, 17 Stunden by
Salut Maman, je suis vraiment désolé... J'aurai du décrocher l'autre soir. C'est vrai, si je t'avais eu en direct j'aurai pu te dire où j'allais... Et je serais sûrement pas coincé au fond d'un canal...
Salut Maman, je suis vraiment désolé... J'aurais dû décrocher l'autre soir. C'est vrai, si je t'avais eue en direct j'aurais pu te dire où j'allais... Et je serais sûrement pas coincé au fond d'un canal...
Made Up On The Spot
[English] 3 Tage, 3 Stunden by
You're on this site, you're looking at the top ranked players, your astonishment to their mind boggling scores have devoted you to try compete with their score's; but you're always failing, so you switch to a new quote and you're beginning to realize the problem - The Punctuation Marks - which either: a) Slow you down b) Cause you to make a mistake. Enjoy.
You're on this site; you're looking at the top ranked players; your astonishment at their mind-boggling scores has devoted you to try to compete with their scores, but you're always failing, so you switch to a new quote and you're beginning to realize the problem - the punctuation marks, which either: a) slow you down, or b) cause you to make a mistake. Enjoy.
K. I. Peirce - Staring Competition
[English] 3 Tage, 7 Stunden by
I might be tied to an operating table in a spaceship presumably hurtling through outer space faster than he speed of light. I might be completely at their mercy. But there's no way I'm complying with my captors' commands, even if it means I'm stuck in the universe's most petty staring competition with an alien of a species that, for all I know never blinks.
I might be tied to an operating table in a spaceship presumably hurtling through outer space faster than the speed of light. I might be completely at their mercy. But there's no way I'm complying with my captors' commands, even if it means I'm stuck in the universe's most petty staring competition with an alien of a species that, for all I know never blinks.
AnONimo - Primera de ON
[Español (Spanish)] 3 Tage, 17 Stunden by
La verdad es que solo estoy haciendo un esfuerzo para ver qué palabras me van surgiendo a medida que voy asumiendo consiencia de lo que quiero hacer. Solo una amalgama de pensamientos que exteriorizo mientras decido si este texto será o no publicado. Encuentro que esta plataforma puede llegar a ser un espacio interesante para poner a prueba mis escritos e ideas; quizá para tomarla como punto de apoyo para finalmente animarme a publicar lo que escribo.
La verdad es que solo estoy haciendo un esfuerzo para ver qué palabras me van surgiendo a medida que voy asumiendo consciencia de lo que quiero hacer. Solo una amalgama de pensamientos que exteriorizo mientras decido si este texto será o no publicado. Encuentro que esta plataforma puede llegar a ser un espacio interesante para poner a prueba mis escritos e ideas; quizá para tomarla como punto de apoyo para finalmente animarme a publicar lo que escribo.
Jim Caviezel (rework of a poem by Walt Huntley) - God's Hall of Fame
[English] 4 Tage, 8 Stunden by
Your name may not appear down here in this worlds hall of fame. In fact you may be so unknown that no one knows your name... But God, he never does forget. And in his hall of fame, by just believing on his son, forever there's your name. I tell you friend, I wouldn't trade my name however small, it's written there beyond the stars in that celestial hall, for all the famous names on earth, or the glory that they shared rather be an unknown here and have my name up there.
Your name may not appear down here in this worlds hall of fame. In fact you may be so unknown that no one knows your name... But God, he never does forget. And in his hall of fame, by just believing on his son, forever there's your name. I tell you friend, I wouldn't trade my name however small, it's written there beyond the stars in that celestial hall, for all the famous names on earth, or the glory that they share, I'd rather be an unknown here and have my name up there.