teilo Martin Diers

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Rang 9703 / 333685
Anzahl der Spiele 3342
Bestes Spiel 117.64
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Gesamte Geschwindigkeit 77.00
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bassplayerful 9 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Get a life.
fizgig 10 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Every time I read a really God-awful quote and click to rate it, there you are, with a snarky comment already in place. It's uncanny.
kaikaikaikaikai 10 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
From 45 to 94 in three months? You're a BEAST! xD Keep up the good work!
teilo 11 Jahre vor
@soattainable I commented on a single quote of yours, and that by mistake. You make it sound like I was targeting you, which, of course, I was not.
malevolarky 11 Jahre vor
Thank you.
soattainable 11 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Please stop commenting on my quotes, accusing me of posting "my own musings". Just because you have never heard of the quote, or don't know where it is from, that does not mean I am posting my own musings. They are ALL indeed quotes taken from OTHER people. NONE of them are my own thoughts.

I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped. Or at least do the slightest amount of research before you leave that redundant comment.
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Aktuelle Schreibtests

John the Apostle 96.54 98.0% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Issey Miyake 103.38 97.7% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Jerry Spinelli 90.72 96.9% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Ernest Hemingway 96.85 97.8% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Unknown 96.75 97.9% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Charles Dickens 92.39 97.2% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Abraham Lincoln 103.17 98.2% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Issey Miyake 95.84 96.4% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Unknown 90.49 97.7% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Jackson 89.87 97.6% 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Currently using and loving a Topre Type Heaven
Letzte Anmeldung 9 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Anmeldedatum 11 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Tastatur / Laptop Apple
Tastaturzuordnung COLEMAK
Computerbenutzung 8-12 Stunden / Tag
Zitate 10



