kiriiya noname

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Trend over 4406 games.
Rang 5266 / 333062
Anzahl der Spiele 4406
Bestes Spiel 130.85
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Gesamte Geschwindigkeit 95.07
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venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
observe this one. it appears that professors take credit for projects started under their authority even if a student works it out. kinda fair i guess
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Jacqueline was waiting when the next data dump came into the computer. It was nearly midnight—a
typical working hour for a graduate student—only now she was not as lonely as she had been in
previous months when she had sat at this console in the early morning hours.
"Looks like a good dump," said Donald as he watched the Deep Space Network report build up on
his screen.
Jacqueline turned to smile at him, but was interrupted by another, less kindly voice.
"Clean up the low frequency radio data and do a quick plot on the screen," Professor Sawlinski
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
oh yeah and for the star of today's show, there's this one thing that is really interesting. they need to see this one
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
now imagine if the source material itself was that good. it wouldn't really change things from my pov but i'd imagine alot of people would be happier. its just that discrepancies like that make it alot more stale than it has to be
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
personally it was the best execution that we've seen in alot of them
by like a far margin
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
midoriya izuku got like, what? 200 points in the testing exam that was supposed to be... impossible to even barely qualify for? that has to mean something right?
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
It seems that somebody is butthurt
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
that's somewhat of a fascinating thing isn't it? imagine if you could for example erase blemishes or scars using this method. it'd just kill the tissue completely and your body has to make new stuff to replace it. that's some good stuff
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
anyways since the organic life uses the weak interaction rather than the strong force the speed at which they operate is really slow i think it should be okay if you just placed a few drops on your tongue and quickly washed it off. altho the downside is that the spots it touches on your tongue probably turn into completely death tissue
venerated 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
its the fact that like a few million of these guys (viruses are small) can cause complications and fever, and that's like the tip of a needle and then even on top of that its like spread out in your body. if all of that was concentrated in one spot i'd imagine it'd just drill a hole through your bdoy.

Aktuelle Schreibtests

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (The English dubbed version) 106.94 98.7% 2 Monate, 1 Woche vor
Chris Cleave 106.49 97.9% 2 Monate, 3 Wochen vor
Slipknot 97.65 96.4% 3 Monate vor
michael schur probably 108.45 98.6% 3 Monate vor
Me to You 102.98 96.0% 3 Monate vor
GROMACS 91.03 95.0% 3 Monate vor
Anonymous 114.53 98.2% 3 Monate vor
Unknown Quote 97.64 94.9% 3 Monate vor
Ashley 120.95 100% 3 Monate vor
Michael Westen, Burn Notice 103.98 96.6% 3 Monate vor
Letzte Anmeldung 1 Woche, 5 Tage vor
Anmeldedatum 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Tastatur / Laptop N/A
Tastaturzuordnung QWERTY
Computerbenutzung Too many Stunden / Tag
Zitate 1



