Books - Forsyth and Rada

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von blackberrythebest
Many people, other than the authors, contribute to the making of a book, from the first person who had the bright idea of alphabetic writing through the inventor of movable type to the lumberjacks who felled the trees that were pulped for its printing. It is not customary to acknowledge the trees themselves, though their commitment is total.

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xbl_gaming 12 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
crl9k 142.42 99.4%
user13223 125.15 98.8%
notforthrees 120.71 98.6%
gray 118.19 98.3%
corey 117.52 99.1%
nightdevil 112.71 88.0%
theblackrook94 111.39 95.5%
gumpo 110.58 98.6%
crtuttle 109.98 99.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
kefshinuser726005 50.81 94.8%
zubbie 48.34 90.0%
user101919 77.04 94.8%
mockingbird561 39.88 95.0%
lisa1025 87.89 97.4%
bkbroiler 59.72 85.4%
heatherdg2000 46.78 98.3%
claudie319 101.20 93.5%