Theadore Beal

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von teilo
The vast majority of atheists become atheists as teenagers, before they have embarked upon any course of study, and they become atheists for reasons that are entirely emotional by their own account. They then turn to science for the explanations that they can no longer seek in religion, and are understandably disappointed and embittered when they cannot find them there either.

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teil0 10 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
So refute it with data.
maartenfb 10 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
What a crappy quote.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
vmlm 95.89 97.4%
kaikaikaikaikai 95.69 96.7%
multimatum 88.16 97.6%
gary123 84.23 96.4%
teilo 84.12 97.6%
alontz05 82.45 98.4%
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craftsandadventure 79.03 98.9%
beanzz21 77.75 98.2%

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maartenfb 68.82 94.5%