Auto/Self Suggestions - Ambaji Rao

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ambaji786
I am confident. I have good memory power. I can do anything. I am aggressive. I am good in communication. I am content. I am alive. I am relaxed. I see big. I am creative. I can handle it. I see opportunities. I am joyful. I am excited. I have so much. I am helpful. I trust in myself. I am peaceful soul. I live now. I am positive. I am connected. I am involved. I am thankful. I am powerful. I am protected. I am disciplined. I am punctual. I love nature. I am active. I am energetic..

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
afbwelter 105.84 94.9%
vmlm 92.31 96.6%
digitalis 88.37 97.0%
timvermeulen 86.68 98.6%
multimatum2 84.21 98.8%
prodigy5723 83.29 97.5%
gedeon 82.42 97.0%
dashing 82.03 96.4%
jan_londen 80.81 96.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
amcd0niel2015 21.16 91.9%
littlelia 28.84 98.2%
wilso667 60.67 97.4%
digitalis 88.37 97.0%
dreamteam923 34.09 93.1%
ktpooh03 39.94 90.7%
rosieinfla53 26.54 94.2%