My Professional Summary - Diana Burrows

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dburrows12
I am a dynamic, reliable and successful Administrative Professional with an emphasis in effective Office Processes, exceptional Customer Service and Financial Services Industry experience. My strong work ethic and well-rounded business skills combine well with my adaptability to new and creative ventures, enabling me to fit into varied environments easily while quickly becoming a successful and productive member of a new organization.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ghoststop 96.81 97.7%
kicko 85.51 93.8%
user41578 80.59 96.3%
rrapattoni 76.26 93.8%
bkbroiler 74.60 94.4%
stevendiao 74.47 92.2%
missfaxe 70.58 98.4%
user781099 70.45 97.7%
michelleh2 70.23 96.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
nobleinfantry 69.86 97.3%
astrid17 69.79 92.4%
stevendiao 74.47 92.2%
user100406 59.07 89.6%
bkbroiler 74.60 94.4%
kicko 85.51 93.8%
user107824 20.37 96.3%
user703302 53.72 92.0%