Moments - shing xiong

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jinnis8
In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments, took your breath away.

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ayame 9 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
I figured so.
this 9 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
The submission criteria for quotes have changed over time.
ayame 9 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
How did you publish this? It doesn't have near enough characters... Beautiful quote, but I can't take away the unnecessary comma because it says it requires more characters.
teil0 9 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Spurious comma makes the quote nonsense.
mrinalutkarsh 11 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
waders98 12 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I enjoyed this quote it was really cool to think about. How it is true live life to the fullest basically. I need to make more moments that take your breath away or make you go wow that is amassing. I think that this quote was one noticing this truth

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