Connections with the People - zen habits

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sumi1105
We know how many things could be possible if we changed our surroundings. We've heard stories of the changes people have made, the businesses they've built, the weight they've lost, the lovers they've met, and the things they've experienced - just as a result of connecting with the right people.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
rezai 149.28 99.3%
geoffhuang_slow 144.10 95.5%
jan_londen 136.60 100%
user40438 122.85 97.4%
jaesynn 121.70 99.0%
chahah 118.60 98.0%
agndesigns 118.16 99.0%
techintosh12 115.95 94.6%
this 114.81 98.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jcwz123 58.40 93.7%
mechazawa 78.23 97.0%
m_murasaki 86.14 91.1%
reamerton 75.19 97.7%
jacqueline1234 108.72 96.1%
payal_o4 52.34 88.4%
kmierzwa 60.91 97.0%
wyobeth330 54.87 87.6%