Eliezer Yudkowsky

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user25630
The ninth virtue is perfectionism. The more errors you correct in yourself, the more you notice. As your mind becomes more silent, you hear more noise. When you notice an error in yourself, this signals your readiness to seek advancement to the next level. If you tolerate the error rather than correcting it, you will not advance to the next level and you will not gain the skill to notice new errors.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
nightdevil 137.05 94.2%
hiramisu 136.14 99.3%
mrlazav 133.38 96.4%
ummroo 121.39 98.5%
chrisjunlee 117.48 99.0%
munchkinbug 113.31 99.3%
ratchet_ 112.15 96.4%
manikatti 110.99 93.3%
darklights 109.02 98.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
golamazam1010 25.47 92.6%
shiv__o4 55.04 91.4%
user528823 16.08 87.2%
trishadgk 95.08 90.7%
rrapattoni 93.45 98.0%
zeravla708 79.82 98.8%
hiramisu 136.14 99.3%
user101536 37.35 79.5%