Pivots - clairebear

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von clairebearr
I once heard someone say that the more pivots your life has, the more stable it is. But they cannot be people. That just makes SO much sense. People change. People disappoint. People leave. You can't control them. Make sure your pivots aren't people.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
mgreen22097 103.12 98.0%
user108043 102.77 92.3%
sqroot 86.94 95.1%
typinglindsey 78.07 93.6%
baluze 57.11 96.2%
cwnichols81 54.33 99.6%
user90946 52.48 96.5%
lordbones 50.28 96.2%
user960676 45.14 95.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
mgreen22097 103.12 98.0%
sqroot 86.94 95.1%
cwnichols81 54.33 99.6%
baluze 57.11 96.2%
lordbones 50.28 96.2%
user108043 102.77 92.3%
user960676 45.14 95.1%
typinglindsey 78.07 93.6%