Kindness - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user292247
We're told to practice kindness at all times, but no-one really does. Are you kind when you eat ham? Are you kind when you eat beef? Are you kind when you treat animals more horribly than we used to treat slaves? Think about it next time you settle down to a burger.

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chenille 1 Stunde, 58 Minuten vor
Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't if they could. And omnivores eat meat.
user292247 1 Monat, 2 Wochen vor
Animals treat each other naturally - "red in tooth and claw," as Tennyson puts it. They certainly don't institute systematic ongoing mechanized holocausts of one another, especially if, like humans, they can survive perfectly well without eating meat.
chenille 1 Monat, 2 Wochen vor
And how do animals treat each other?

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fe_gonzales 26.46 90.2%
lexervoid 51.95 90.5%
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user871724 156.89 98.2%