Who Are You? - Hannah

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von hmyerscoomer
I wonder who the individuals are that are on this website. Are they people who are learning to type or those wanting to get better with practice? As for me, I'm bored at work and trying to pass the time until I get to go home.

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trickitty 3 Monate, 3 Wochen vor

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 175.16 100%
practice19 130.22 97.4%
geryjs 124.23 96.2%
hamchow 123.64 99.6%
user381085 123.22 95.5%
user98852 122.58 97.8%
bweeta 104.09 98.7%
jacqueline1234 102.82 94.6%
somerandomppl 100.64 99.1%
dragonflyiz 98.51 98.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109545 44.59 97.0%
maadj 79.98 93.8%
practice19 130.22 97.4%
typinglindsey 94.86 99.6%
reamerton 89.49 99.1%
bp.kuma 72.08 96.2%
jacqueline1234 102.82 94.6%
falsesu 81.24 97.8%