School - a student

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user228469
By far, school has to be one of the most draining things. I come home from school and one of the only things I can think of is how much I want to take a nap. This might be because I am usually out and about. Who knows, but guys please remember to take a break once in a while. You never know when over doing it might cost you.

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jezpher 110.00 95.9%
ockock 109.28 94.9%
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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jezpher 110.00 95.9%
reamerton 86.14 97.0%
muxedotask 74.25 90.6%
tsashaaa 48.54 93.5%
lexervoid 55.81 92.0%
ockock 109.28 94.9%
crymfox 85.89 94.9%
user106998 79.81 95.7%