Human vs Animals - zeymen

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von zeymen
The only thing humans have different from animals is the ability to have thoughts. It's the hardest boon or a bane question. All animals need to do is take care of their physical health but for humans, we need to take care of our mental health as well. Needlessly, a crazy ability that can make one a champion or a depressed narcissist. Good luck!

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kyle_w 105.83 96.7%
kaiserpepper 105.58 89.0%
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cabes234 99.16 96.9%
ockock 97.21 94.8%
bweeta 94.10 98.6%
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peepeepoopoo6969 83.05 94.8%
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mockingbird561 44.81 95.9%
ace722 46.37 93.3%
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peachflavoredrings 81.32 93.0%
yoko 67.36 88.1%
user843630 65.53 93.0%
soymilk00 64.26 93.3%
noobplayer 100.75 97.2%