This helps my ADHD - Jamie

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jamierh84
I started this because I wanted to improve my typing speed, but It has turned into away to give my brain a break while at work. When I feel brain fog or burn out coming on I open this page and set a timer for about 5 min. Then when the time is up I go back to working on the task I have to do for work. For some reason this make my ADHD brain happy and I am able to be more productive and It also builds my typing skills. So, I really hope no one at work thinks I'm trying to just look busy.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
2001or2 122.87 89.3%
strikeemblem 115.79 94.6%
ozymandias037 91.16 95.2%
donoshea 81.00 92.8%
edwardg 79.72 99.4%
astrid17 74.33 96.7%
the_hornburg 69.08 93.9%
user85658 68.54 95.4%
user843630 66.86 94.1%
lemonrinds42 66.41 94.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user614219 55.77 92.7%
user843630 66.86 94.1%
the_hornburg 69.08 93.9%
lemonrinds42 66.41 94.3%
ozymandias037 91.16 95.2%
donoshea 81.00 92.8%
user85658 68.54 95.4%
tengugod 45.64 85.6%