I made sure this was easy - Epicity

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von epic32131231231
Haha! Take that website! I made it so that if this quote appears in this forsaken website, people would have a more easy time getting a good score. The amount of intelligence I have is so high, it's out of this world! TAKE THAT KEYHERO DOT COM! Now, I will go and celebrate my intelligence. Wait. I've gone too far! Now people won't have an easier time typing this out and this is all my fault due to my absolute ignorance for not stopping this, which for some reason is still going, till now! HA!

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marchtoglory 7 Monate, 3 Wochen vor
@slowtyper237 same
slowtyper237 8 Monate, 1 Woche vor
Giving this 5 stars so others will have to suffer as I did

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jezpher 112.17 96.9%
eveariel 112.11 96.1%
mafuso 109.00 98.4%
spiritowl 105.07 97.3%
iltranscendent 104.01 97.5%
marib 103.85 91.5%
kaiserpepper 103.48 91.0%
kyle_w 102.63 97.8%
marchtoglory 100.12 93.2%
nephew 98.20 95.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jaques17 76.85 89.1%
ashields2018 77.96 97.1%
dsbrip 80.32 99.6%
js88 51.65 95.0%
ephemeralwildflower 78.35 96.5%
user292247 37.10 98.0%
kcl 57.64 93.6%
__madhu.97__ 26.30 99.2%