Random - Umair Mayo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user452047
This typing test is based on randomly selected words taken from a lightly curated list of the most common words in the English language. Typing the most commonly used words helps increase your typing speed and is a great way to start your daily typing practice. Common words help improve your typing speed by developing muscle memory for the most often used groups of letters. You can practice your typing skills here. Typing speed practice tests with the most common English words. Improve.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 138.39 91.3%
strikeemblem 118.40 95.7%
space_cadet 108.58 96.8%
decade 106.20 98.8%
wonderworm 102.34 91.5%
blurry_sandwich 102.30 96.1%
iltranscendent 99.00 98.2%
ykqian 95.97 98.6%
jgdude 95.34 93.0%
csbales 95.07 95.7%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
dcampolongo12 1.54 93.5%
gbennet 61.76 82.5%
js88 68.18 96.5%
user107810 73.34 94.6%
bp.kuma 65.97 96.5%
smashiiii 91.17 92.5%
rajansaini95 67.86 90.9%
algo 84.82 96.7%