Python Training in Chennai -

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user298861
The python training in Chennai at intelliMindz Institute is a broad training program and specialized in key programming concepts like the syntax of python, strings, conditional statements, looping statements, handling errors, and lambda functions under the mentored of python real-time programmers. During the period of the python training program, you will be well-prepared with the commonly used python web framework Django and apply it for programs and real-time project.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
strikeemblem 106.36 97.3%
rivendellis 100.81 95.6%
nato805 98.52 94.4%
yvela 93.14 95.6%
iliketotype74 90.69 97.9%
iltranscendent 88.35 96.5%
jess05 84.38 94.6%
user903505 82.03 95.2%
lechu_ 81.95 93.5%
user85179 80.67 93.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
winpiece 70.98 93.7%
iliketotype74 90.69 97.9%
slevyn11 40.99 85.3%
user283945 42.68 90.1%
bellasmom 64.60 92.9%
jimiaki7 50.07 88.9%
user90997 78.25 91.2%
chenj209 64.45 93.7%