To My First Love - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von imartin03
When I was fifteen, I met my first love in driver's ed. He would fiddle with his rubik's cube and my heart-strings until they tore. We shared laughter, friends, and an elementary exploration of love. Our downfall, however, is that I didn't know how to love myself. I would reach for approval in the wrong people, and didn't know how to take accountability. Anyway, he introduced me to typing tests, and although I don't know if he'll ever see this, I just want him to know. I take accountability.

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alkos 2 Monate vor
We all do dumb things when we're fifteen, and being a teenager is the most insecure stage of life. I hope you're being kinder to yourself now.
chieftyper 4 Monate, 2 Wochen vor
so... you cheated on him

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user491757 140.53 98.6%
user291759 131.54 96.5%
hmmmmm 127.84 95.6%
rivendellis 127.42 98.2%
kenneth27 124.75 96.1%
seantype2510 124.71 97.4%
strikeemblem 123.19 96.2%
iltranscendent 117.85 97.5%
mafuso 115.91 96.9%
user456440 115.05 96.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
kyle_w 99.68 96.7%
blizda 50.85 78.8%
npabs 99.86 95.6%
wanna_be_typist 73.09 92.5%
azrin_irzal 87.12 93.4%
coateocali 55.31 89.9%
jjjsabella 74.81 92.7%
user100406 73.85 94.0%