Kim Namjoon - BTS

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von aferg
Humans seem to be programmed to think of ambivalent feelings at the same time. That is the driving force behind human beings: to be the warrant of all things and to control other worlds.

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kiriiya 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 171.05 94.4%
venerated 154.30 100%
toinfinity 154.24 97.9%
penguino_beano 150.21 98.4%
2001or2 148.12 93.9%
iltranscendent 146.91 100%
name_999 140.61 97.4%
user491757 139.64 97.4%
theprivateeye 139.50 97.9%
thorgott2 137.89 98.9%

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user108661 57.76 88.6%
mian_mohsin-ch 27.37 83.3%
adriana-b 71.62 93%
kicko 108.22 96.4%
merscadag 67.28 96.4%
diamondrock 82.15 93.5%
the_hornburg 85.93 99.5%
andrew2002 65.08 88.6%