
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von nyls
I love quotes that are interactive with the typists. When an author interacts with me, it feels more personal. Some of the quotes offer advice. Some quotes make general life comments. There are way too many types to list. I also love quotes that don't have complex words or loads of punctuation. It feels satisfying to type these. And I can achieve high speeds. Have a good day.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jiggalee 157.85 96.9%
user871724 155.06 97.2%
venerated 144.69 98.7%
forkhunter 140.40 96.9%
name_999 139.30 99.5%
arrathore 133.92 97.7%
rivendellis 126.03 95.9%
user491757 121.06 94.5%
typist_type 116.80 95.9%
strikeemblem 116.08 93.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
aynjle89 88.62 96.7%
user108043 92.93 93.1%
user109278 32.64 91.1%
user90946 49.37 92.0%
user108790 26.43 89.0%
kreasoner1125 74.49 93.8%
machinist80 55.41 87.3%
user97523 77.94 93.1%