Quote war - Josh Green

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von keyherohero
I'm on the side of people who believe that the quotes about philosophy and life are fantastic and add to the site. You all that think this should be one of those sites where you just type a series of random words are very sad and boring. Support good quotes with a green smile!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
iltranscendent 109.09 96.5%
user381085 96.31 93.7%
queenrita124 90.76 100%
celica 87.18 93.6%
rivendellis 83.50 87.4%
user957814 74.92 95.2%
falsesu 73.49 100%
maadj 69.62 94.9%
artyne 65.89 88.8%
user421490 65.51 92.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
queenrita124 90.76 100%
maadj 69.62 94.9%
falsesu 73.49 100%
han-yolo 50.31 93.6%
artyne 65.89 88.8%
user107694 50.82 92.4%
deacon12 56.75 91.1%
beckycudecki 60.25 98.9%