Song drops

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von yoko
Please pre-freeze these pretty peas, or three pea thieves might flee with these. These fleeing thieves won't free the peas, they'll ignore your pleas of pretty please. So please before the three pea thieves, go free with all these pretty peas, please oh please pre freeze these peas, so these three thieves won't flee with these.

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localbisexual 2 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
you know what i'm not even mad

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
penguino_beano 106.77 89.7%
iver2005 97.60 95.6%
cinoss 93.51 98.5%
spiritowl 90.73 98.2%
keybordcrusader 87.71 96.2%
user828068 85.40 94.5%
localbisexual 84.35 85.9%
donoshea 82.28 94%
krbenson88 81.27 94.8%
nwiami 81.03 97.6%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
yoko 60.77 85.6%
yoko 66.25 88.7%
yoko 66.42 88.5%
user209549 69.85 96.8%
sachinnanhe22 61.75 98.5%
d-boogie 57.55 93.2%
localbisexual 84.35 85.9%
user828068 85.40 94.5%