Foreign Language - Ruatfela Hmar

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user808427
Typing English words with English alphabets is much easier as compared to typing foreign words with English alphabets. You take a quick look and you immediately caught what the word is, at least most of the time, so you don't have to pay much attention to each letters of the words. So, here's some foreign words for you: "Chak tak a i type theih nan duhsakna sang ber ka hlan a che." It means, "Best wishes for a fast typing speed." Good luck!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
m_murasaki 78.44 93.3%
user843630 71.11 93.1%
bkbroiler 60.96 89.0%
user828068 60.22 86.6%
morkel 47.46 93.5%
user107829 45.69 94.9%
prettytenn 33.92 96.7%
joybeck 30.83 96.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
joybeck 30.83 96.3%
user107829 45.69 94.9%
prettytenn 33.92 96.7%
user843630 71.11 93.1%
m_murasaki 78.44 93.3%
morkel 47.46 93.5%
user828068 60.22 86.6%
bkbroiler 60.96 89.0%