
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von 123456789073
Being asked "Why are you Depressed? Life is so Beautiful." Is like saying "Why do you have Asthma? There is so much Air!" It wouldn't let me type this quote because I had to add 150 characters to it and I hope that this is enough for them.

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user81230 113.02 98.8%
penguino_beano 102.85 96.8%
arrathore 94.84 96.4%
km1122 83.14 96.4%
myllykeisari 80.65 92.3%
merkosak23 80.39 97.2%
spiritowl 75.95 91.2%
polybear 72.75 92.6%
donoshea 71.28 92.6%
hyaoran 69.67 98.4%

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shootme233 54.35 88.2%
wpeck44 37.72 89.9%
polybear 72.75 92.6%
user695703 36.95 89.3%
redball 64.51 88.2%
al-alawi.a.m 34.60 91.9%
user99590 35.60 88.2%
gurinder_singh 28.83 85.7%