Fight with inner self - kheng

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kheng
We make lots of excuses every day! When I have the time, I will study this new book; when I have the time, I will try out new stuff; when I have time, I'll spend my time with my family. Conversely, when it's weekend and you're free, you play games as well as sleep saying you're too tired to do anything else, and this routine continues forever, nothing ever changes.

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aryanna222 2 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Or just has a jacky as a mom
user970168 2 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
The second and third "when"s should be lowercase
thatross 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
"Nothing have changed" doesn't make sense in English. "Have" is present tense, where "changed" (with the 'ed') is past tense.

With that in mind, the last phrase could be "Nothing having changed", "Nothing will have changed", "Nothing will change", or perhaps "Nothing ever changes".

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