You - the loner M

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user95951
Always be yourself and hold on to yourself. You are the one that you can trust. You are the one that makes the decisions not other people. Don't listen to other people because that's their opinion, not yours.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 196.50 95.9%
dcb87 144.04 100%
keybordcrusader 141.86 100%
keyheroabcd1234 134.04 100%
marchtoglory 132.79 93.3%
kyle_w 132.51 99.5%
cactusgod 130.94 98.1%
evanwelsh20 130.44 100%
user74975 128.69 94.1%
cinoss 125.19 99.5%

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blizda 61.67 81.3%
koda 111.40 89.7%
hansolo2345 59.67 92.0%
user109520 22.89 93.7%
tz13 74.23 90.4%