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This quote wurde hinzugefügt von noyon
Importance of Computer in School The use of computer in schools plays a major role in the overall career development of students. It is the most powerful device help students to learn new skill-sets. With the growth of computers and the internet and simultaneously its usages increasing day by day, Computers should be part of the school curriculum.

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closedspace808 2 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
There are so many errors here. I don't know where to start.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
strikeemblem 106.90 96.4%
arravalle 103.90 96.7%
space_cadet 97.14 96.9%
closedspace808 94.39 99.4%
dpaulsen2 90.41 98.6%
krbenson88 87.60 98.9%
bigboi99 83.57 94.1%
user90997 83.54 93.6%
muxedotask 83.13 94.6%
bel_00 78.49 92.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
arravalle 98.56 94.6%
rajansaini95 54.76 89.1%
ipswytch 48.66 91.6%
arravalle 103.90 96.7%
t-_oze 50.66 96.1%
user90997 83.54 93.6%
gibbie 65.76 96.4%
user534512 47.31 98.9%