Gun to your head. - Suits

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ejpelliarmus
What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head?" "What are you talking about? You do what they say or they shoot you." "Wrong. You take the gun. Or you pull out a bigger one. Or you call their bluff. Or you do any one of 146 other things. If you can't think for yourself, maybe you aren't cut out for this.

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maadj 57.71 87.4%
wyzaswench 47.18 93.0%
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maadj 57.71 87.4%
geageorgia 82.64 94.1%
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wyzaswench 47.18 93.0%
mockingbird561 41.49 93.8%
m_murasaki 92.38 97.0%
user830398 88.79 96.4%