This quote wurde hinzugefügt von joshjacobs
Everyone is so excited when there is a short quote. Everyone gets so excited that they are going to be able to type it out really fast and get a high WPM. Don't you take pride in your typing? Don't you take pride in being able to type for a long time with high accuracy at high speeds? To me that is what typing is all about. Not about being able to type out short words from muscle memory. It's about knowing where every key, symbol, and number is and being able to type anything at anytime.

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user91047 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
A lot of us are at school and such, we don't want to be typing in the first place so yes i do get excited whenever I see short quotes the long ones get quite tiring.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
yagoliz 101.21 98.4%
peepeepoopoo6969 97.83 93.9%
shawnsmith91 95.19 92.5%
jezpher 94.27 87.5%
chefbigdog 91.44 96.7%
jjjsabella 87.11 96.3%
keybutt525 70.69 91.1%
user957906 11.95 86.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
shawnsmith91 95.19 92.5%
jezpher 94.27 87.5%
keybutt525 70.69 91.1%
yagoliz 101.21 98.4%
jjjsabella 87.11 96.3%
peepeepoopoo6969 97.83 93.9%
user957906 11.95 86.9%
chefbigdog 91.44 96.7%