Typing Problems - Davian Williams

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von davianwilliams
People on this website shouldn't be coming on here to have a crisis or mental breakdown. Most people want to just see what level of typing they're at and get immediate feedback, they shouldn't want to come on here and have people telling them to do this with their life. I mean I come on here and like to share my stories of what's going on in my life and see if anyone has some tips for me. But no one should come on here and be told to live their life like a dictatorship.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
saustintaylor1 112.09 96.7%
minipasta 107.73 94.6%
user502993 104.45 97.1%
cinoss 104.07 99.0%
lacsaokarylle08 93.90 98.3%
hummer350 93.54 99.8%
bethmcc1005 93.35 97.5%
tlatoani 92.58 95.6%
pixelip 92.48 96.2%
bjduncan 90.74 95.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user93171 73.10 96.5%
sai2791 90.47 98.1%
cinoss 104.07 99.0%
tlatoani 92.58 95.6%
user65804 48.48 93.3%
saripooh 58.66 92.4%
coltdriver 90.22 94.6%
dangocaptain 78.50 93.0%