Short Life - Davian Williams

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von davianwilliams
I wish life wasn't so short. There are so many things kids wanna do later in life but shut down my parents. I can personally say this because I am still that kid. My dream was to become a NASCAR designer or racer, but when it was brought to my dad he turned me down saying I couldn't get anywhere in life, and that NASCAR was just a hobby. Maybe he's right because I've stopped trying in school, and never gonna get anywhere because I've never been noticed for what I do.

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davianwilliams 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
@user92078 i thought i did but I guess my auto correct didn’t catch it. I’m doing this on a school. I pad
user92078 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
What's with the uncapitalized "I's"?

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