Do you even read this - Not Michael Scott

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von powerpoon6
The best part about typing these quotes is, you barely read the title before typing away furiously on the keyboard trying to reach a high wpm. When you think you have finished typing up a deep philosophical quote from some famous literature, you look up to only find that it's a quote by Michael Scott from The Office.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 167.51 96.7%
kurrai 155.32 97.8%
user474117 154.50 100%
johnymaccarroni 153.82 99.7%
junkbaby 148.87 99.4%
thorgott2 142.37 98.5%
user491757 138.26 96.7%
venerated 137.70 99.7%
vmlm 134.63 98.5%
user291759 131.54 97.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
falsesu 69.50 96.7%
ulixxe 47.61 98.1%
tdeep 50.49 92.2%
huntergordon 59.93 94.6%
user98384 53.37 91.4%
magesh 84.22 97.5%
user102525 70.72 91.6%
lukenukem 26.65 92.4%