crazy he calls me - billie holiday

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user87846
I say I'll move the mountains, and I'll move the mountains, if he wants them out of the way. Crazy he calls me. Sure, I'm crazy. Crazy in love, I'd say. I say I'll go through fire, and I'll go through fire. As he wants it, so it will be. Crazy he calls me. Sure, I'm crazy. Crazy in love, you see.

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weiahe 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Sounds like song lyrics

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
weiahe 71.93 95.8%
user89514 61.53 93.1%
bagdat2004 44.51 93.4%
hxyxh 75.94 93.4%
hunvita 88.46 94.9%
tntoutburst 53.19 94.3%
curby 70.33 96.7%
lenorite 106.11 94.9%