Why? - anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von iwasbored
Why would writing a quote be an achievement for this website? It's got literally nothing to do with actually practicing typing and now I have to waste time typing this out when I really don't want to.

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kamifer 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
weiahe 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I disagree with your point. The achievement is completely optional. You can choose to ignore it and it won't affect anything to do with typing practice.

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user939249 146.40 94.0%
omarkanawati 124.38 100%
trishadgk 122.99 97.1%
zaoxa 122.92 95.7%
otnaicus 113.71 100%
user88803 113.33 100%
joshjacobs 112.50 96.6%
zalyx 112.04 92.6%
vanilla 110.35 97.6%
harrypotter_hermione 108.69 93.0%

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rpearson0457 45.03 85.8%
rrapattoni 97.76 97.1%
trishadgk 122.99 97.1%
uzername 37.73 98.5%
kefshinuser726005 61.50 98.5%
mistertyperman 69.30 93.9%
zitro89 69.38 98.0%
smartboynaresh 79.64 93.0%