Quotes about quotes - Dave2020

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user84021
I can't stand quotes that say "This is a short quote for you to type," and I go nuts when I come across those quotes that say "This is a quote about a quote for you to type." So, please stop creating these types of quotes.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user90997 105.76 98.2%
kicko 96.11 94.1%
user843630 83.18 94.9%
user206721 80.51 94.9%
user421490 76.84 95.7%
engl3king06 58.32 90.6%
jena83 57.43 91.4%
merscadag 57.10 90.2%
baluze 53.35 94.9%
daisy154 40.90 92.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user206721 80.51 94.9%
baluze 53.35 94.9%
user843630 83.18 94.9%
user421490 76.84 95.7%
jena83 57.43 91.4%
kicko 96.11 94.1%
daisy154 40.90 92.9%
user90997 105.76 98.2%