Russ Harris

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user52171
I'll be asking you to do this repeatedly: to increase your awareness of what your mind is doing; to notice how it's reacting and what it's telling you. The ability to notice your own thought processes is an important psychological skill. And the more often you do this, the more you will learn about how your mind works - which will come in very handy later.

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user871724 165.05 97.0%
hololivefan 160.94 100%
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wolfram 145.41 94.7%
ltfigs 142.38 96.5%
penguino_beano 139.19 96.2%
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rrthetypist 137.40 99.4%
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rivendellis 134.89 98.9%

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shawnsmith91 98.02 95.2%
melijill 62.92 95.5%