From the ground up - Dan & Shay

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sfrancis08
Grandma and Grandpa painted a picture, of sixty-five years, and one little house. More than a memory, more than saying I do, kiss you goodnight's, and I love you's. Me and you baby, walk in the footsteps, build our own family one day at a time. Ten little toes, a painted pink room, our beautiful baby looks just like you, And we'll build this love from the ground up. Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you, Just take me hand, and i'll be the man your dad hoped that i'd be.

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mumma 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
This is a poorly-written quote. Your use of apostrophes is atrocious. And I'm not sure why you insist of capitalizing words that follow commas. You've also neglected to capitalize words that actually require capitalization, such as "i'll" and "i'd". I would suggest editing your quotes prior to submitting them

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