Truman - Eaj of Day6

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user567372
You hit me in the morning, said yesterday was boring. When they heard you call me, must have already been sleeping. Always the excuses, my autumn blue in bruises. Yes he's holding his breath hoping what he's thinking ain't know what the truth is no more. Past 12 and you telling me you gotta go. Go out tomorrow morning gonna catch a seizure now. Come on tell me gotta know. Everybody and their momma knows. Don't tell Truman. Please just play along, love might go if she knows, no.

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weiahe 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
um... the character after "must have" is clearly not a space

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slaughtermelon 86.99 98.2%
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micheal.pham 43.62 87.2%
gamervan 93.26 93.8%
snow94 78.79 90.1%
ohmaigawditsher 73.79 97.2%