2020 kinda sucks - Myself

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von lukenice34
The year 2020 has been one of the most unfortunate years in recent times. There is a massive global pandemic wreaking havoc both financially and physically. Bush fires have broken out in Australia and caused a state of emergency. Swarms of locusts have torn through African and decimated crops for thousands of people. Kobe Bryant died. There is currently a storm forming off the east coast of the US that is heading in the direction of a hurricane. All of this in 6 months. Can we get 2019 back?

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user546595 4 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Yeah! And I thought 2019 sucked. This year however may be one of the worst years of the 21st century. And we had bad shit happen like the 2008 economy crash.

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