Guys - All Girls

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stoneb
Guys. They will flirt with you, then flirt with other girls. Don't let it get to you. You can take them. It's just a game to all guys, just be glad you were worth playing.

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mamatonk 12 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
This is a really bad quote to begin with. It claims to be said by all girls, which is blatently untrue, and also contained the section " It's just a a game..." which has 2 a's.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
corey 122.74 100%
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boyfrombangladesh 102.73 97.7%
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fcough02 93.72 98.2%
beanzz21 86.21 98.8%
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fruitypopo23 84.15 97.1%
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roxanamaria 33.04 100%