Instead of Bookmark Bar Clicks... - YZP Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von peter00151
Tired of clicking those fancy confy icons on your browser bookmark bar? Show yourself that mighty power by releasing your true typing monster speed! Count in 3, 2, one... Go! https: www, keyhero, com too bad quotes does not accept url format https: www, keyhero, com again https: www, keyhero, com hell yeah! One more time! https: slash slash www, keyhero, com! There you go last count in 1, 2, three.... GO! https: slash slash triple w dot Keyhero dot com and hit 'tat final enter slap HARD!

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peter00151 4 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Tried should be "tired" at the beginning... just trying to get that achievement badge while making a fun quote... hopefully it is fun...

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