
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von _kookie
I've somehow realized that it's the people whom I appreciate the most in life that give me the greatest pain. But I wonder if it's because they really do give me the greatest pain or is it due to my groundless assumption that they will never hurt me.

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_kookie 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Sure thing.
trollhunter 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
hmm. I see your point. But it still doesn't sound right to me. I'm going to ask my English Lit prof and will let you know what she says
_kookie 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

I have been looking into this site and I am convinced that "whom" should be used. If we take a look at the snippet of the quote in question, "[...] whom I appreciate [...]", I will place "whom" at the end and replace it with "them/they". It would now look like this:

"I appreciate them/they"

Which one should I use?
Clearly, as English speakers, we would choose "them" instead of "they" because we know that's grammatically correct. The article describes that if we use "them", or similar including "him" and "her", we should use "whom".
trollhunter 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
it should be 'who' not 'whom'

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