quotes - random thoughts

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von heeeeheeee
If you're trying to make a quote that someone will want to hold onto forever, don't strive to use big, fancy words. That's just annoying. Sometimes it's the simpler words that count the most.

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jjp 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
No need to use a $20 word when a $5 word will achieve the same result.
kiriiya 2 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
@this, arrogance. That's why. These people think people actually want to be subjected to their poorly written mumblings, and submit these "quotes" thinking that they will get praise. For some reason, some people like reading them, too. Truly bizarre.
poop 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
didn't ask
this 4 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Sure, that is just good writing. But why "make a quote" in the first place?

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