Kim Kardashian is a Horrible 'Mother' - Rose Burke

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Even if she may not care for the fans she has influenced negatively, she seems to not realize that her daughter is growing up quickly and is likely already forming bad habits based on her obsession with her looks and celebrity status. Looks should be the last thing a young girl should be concerned with, and it's clear that that isn't something that's being taught in her household.

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leology 1 Jahr, 7 Monate vor
This is blatantly sexist. Disregarding your criticism of her looks-based career, one would never accuse a man of being a poor father because he has a non-PG job. She has off time, she interacts with her child behind closed doors, and we can not really know what that relationship looks like. While you're at it, why not stop commenting on a literal CHILD'S appearance and "bad habits"? Being a successful woman doesn't make you a bad mother. Being an attractive woman doesn't make you a bad mother.
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Did you know that that "that," that was written in that sentence poses no grammatical issue? What shouldn't have been written more than once is the word "should"; Ms. Burke, we already know that you're suggesting something, so you shouldn't put "should" twice, should that for some annoying reason cross your mind again.
hunterz1200 4 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
I don't trust people who say "that" three times in one sentence...

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