Joker - Arthur Fleck

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von asioxcore
School, as a kid, my mother would say, "You should enjoy it. One day you'll have to work for a living." "No, I won't, Ma. I'm going to be a comedian." It's funny, when I was a little boy, and told people I was going to be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Well, no one's laughing now.

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asioxcore 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Honestly, I like when people point out errors and give constructive criticism. It helps me improve my own writing, and I when I come across quotes riddled with errors, it kind of gets to me. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who feel the same, so I am happy to make the corrections.

Sounds like that person needs an anger management class... or an English class :P
weesin 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
I have to say asioxcore, that I appreciate your willingness and ability to accept constructive criticism in a mature way. Any time I have pointed out your errors, you have thanked me for pointing them out and have made the appropriate edits. In contrast, there is a new user of this site who just posted some pretty terrible, error-filled quotes. His/her response to the criticism was to go on my profile page and swear at me. I could do with more people like you on this site and less rude morons.

Thank you for being one of the people that I enjoy conversing with on this site. And my apologies for being cheesy - I just call things as I see them.
asioxcore 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Yeah, I submitted the corrections :) You too!
weesin 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
No problem. If you would please submit a request to have this errors fixed (if you haven't already) so that they don't trip up other users, that would be great. Have a good day!
asioxcore 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Thanks weesin. I basically just copied and pasted with no regard to errors haha.
weesin 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
There are errors. You should have capitalized 'ma'. You have also typed 'I'm going to me a comedian' instead of typing 'I'm going to be a comedian'. Also, you have put the mother's words in quotations, but have failed to do so for the child's words. So that sentence should read as: "No, I won't, Ma. I'm going to be a comedian."

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