Bernice Weissbourd

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bernosaur
But however the forms of family life have changed and the number expanded, the role of the family has remained constant and it continues to be the major institution through which children pass en route to adulthood.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
samuraininja 146.66 96.8%
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andrbroo1 142.30 100%
robthrasher 137.70 100%
teilodv 137.22 99.5%
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ilovejujubee 132.02 99.1%

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keystone8574 101.08 96.4%
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dfjk 81.35 94.7%
user364454 78.95 96.4%
heeeeheeee 108.35 93.9%
rishabh-devil 63.73 96.7%
eventlogging 170.00 100%