Morality is a Luxury - Kieran

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kaymawn
Morality is a luxury afforded to those who have the means to shape their own destinies if given a starting off point. Just like animals in the wild searching for their next meal, so too would a human abandon their humanity when faced with their instinctive nature to survive.

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slowtyper237 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
That's why i don't go outside, because then I would become monke.
weesin 5 Jahre vor
No problem. Glad to help. I see that the error has been fixed - thanks very much for taking the time to do so
kaymawn 5 Jahre vor
Haha, I noticed that after re-reading it today. Thank you for pointing it out, though. :)
weesin 5 Jahre vor
Great quote, however, you typed 'so to' instead of 'so too'

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