Change - PG - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tbwp
If I change now and put consistent actions towards achieving my goals, I will be a better person than I was yesterday. If I change now, my life will be completely different. If I change now, I will be closer to my dreams than I was yesterday. I will be evolving little by little. I will get there for sure. Here's to a life without regrets and a life full of happiness!

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weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Also, you have typed 'put consistent actions towards achieving my goals' which is very awkward
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
you have typed 'than I am yesterday' twice. This is incorrect. It should be 'than I was yesterday'

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user871724 156.41 95.8%
highhonedjazzyaudio 142.53 95.4%
penguino_beano 136.36 96.9%
feuv 133.93 99.7%
typingdestroyer 131.86 98.9%
gbzaid 131.58 97.6%
user210693 128.50 97.4%
strikeemblem 126.45 96.6%
xempt 125.22 98.4%
user627603 124.01 92.4%

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cewial 87.85 93.7%
garretj999 59.10 92.3%
user111581 65.70 94.9%
stanleyns 66.99 91.2%
user79004 73.39 93.4%
user381085 116.63 95.4%
magesh 103.95 96.6%
adriana-b 71.03 94.4%